Register for the Speaker Training Call – Author Success

Want to get paid to give speeches? Join Steve Harrison and
five other successful speakers for a FREE telephone seminar this Wednesday, August 28th at your choice of two times on...

How to Become a Highly-Paid Speaker As Quickly As Possible – Especially If You're Not Yet Famous

FROM: Steve Harrison

Want to get paid to give speeches on a subject you know well?

Want to change people’s lives with your message and have a lot of fun while being paid well for doing so?

join me Wednesday, August 28th for a free telephone seminar at your choice of two times – either 2 pm Eastern (11 am Pacific) OR 7 pm Eastern (4 pm Pacific) – on “How to Become a Highly-Paid Speaker As Quickly As Possible – Especially If You’re Not Yet Famous.”

In addition to me, you’ll hear from five other successful speakers who’ll show you how to get started and succeed in the lucrative world of paid public speaking. They all have different topics and audiences, but they have one thing in common: they all know how to get paid very well to speak, whether they’re presenting at corporations, associations, universities, churches or women’s conferences.

Whether you’re new to this field or an experienced pro, this free 90-minute teleseminar will propel you to a whole new level of influence and income. Here’s just some of what you’ll discover:

  • How to find companies and organizations who already have a budget to pay speakers like you quite handsomely – even if you’re not famous or well-known in your field.

  • Why you shouldn’t ask for less than $3,000 as a speaking fee – even if you’re a complete unknown with an "ordinary topic” -- and why it should often be more than that.

  • How to be paid well for delivering a spiritual message.

  • 5 critical steps for landing speaking engagements – especially when you don’t have a lot of time to spend marketing yourself.

  • Why you don’t need a lot of fancy materials to land speaking gigs, but what you DO need to give them instead.

  • How experienced speakers can raise their fees and get it.

  • Proven ways to brand yourself and your message in a way that will prompt a flood of requests for speaking engagements.

  • Actual case histories of speakers who have gone from not knowing anything about the speaking business to making a six-figure income as paid professional speakers.

  • Specific things to do before, during and after you speak so that the audience loves you and you get invited back again and again.

  • How to use LinkedIn to get more invitations to speak.

  • What one speaker did to become Exxon Mobil’s highest-rated trainer for more than 29 years.

  • How Jack Canfield used speaking engagements to drive his brand-new book to the New York Times Best Seller List.

  • What topics colleges and corporations are most interested in having speakers address... AND MUCH MORE!

Please Note: No recordings of this presentation will be available. If you can't make either time for this telephone seminar, register anyway in case we offer the call again sometime in the future.

As an added bonus, you'll also get a free subscription to my email newsletter, packed with publicity and profitable publishing tips. You may unsubscribe anytime and, of course, we don't share your email address with any unauthorized third party.

I hope you can make the freee teleseminar because I know you'll get a lot out of it!

All the best,


Picture of Steve Harrison

Some of the world’s most successful authors and speakers credit Steve Harrison‘s company for helping them succeed.

As publisher of Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR), Steve's helped launch such bestselling books as Chicken Soup for the Soul, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Finish Rich series, and the Dummies series, to name just a few.

When Steve first started speaking, he was worried he wouldn’t be good enough. But he had accepted an invitation to speak at an industry trade association and he couldn’t get out of it.

He survived that first speech, and he even received enough compliments to be encouraged. He then began to speak at other conferences.

There was only one problem: He wasn’t making any money from it.

So he began interviewing people who had made six- and seven-figure incomes through speaking. He was amazed at what he learned. By applying their advice, Steve saw how little changes in how he was dong things made a huge difference. Audiences who once gave him polite applause now gave him standing ovations.

His new speaking skills allowed him to reach a lot more people and bring in an avalanche of new money he’d never dreamed of. Today, Steve credits learning how to speak as one of the biggest reasons why he’s been able to build a multi-million dollar business.

Few people in the world have helped so many different people and professionals market themselves as Steve Harrison. In his New York Times bestselling book, Mark Ostrofsky describes Steve as one of today’s “Top 25 Public Motivational Speakers." Highly accomplished people from around the world fly to Philadelphia to attend Steve’s live events. They include people and professionals from virtually every field: doctors, lawyers, therapists, Olympic champions, psychologists, college professors, trainers, teachers, ministers, coaches, executives, accountants, social workers, psychiatrists, financial advisors, chefs, salespeople, dentists, multi-level marketers, and many more.

Steve has been invited to speak at the same conferences as well-known speakers, such as Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Jay Abraham, Cynthia Kersey, Glenn Beck, T. Harv Eker, Dan Kennedy, and John Gray.

He has lived with his wife in the Philadelphia area for 30 years.